keyboarddevelopmentAug 9, 2024, 10:39 AMRunning I2C on Pro Micro (4) - TRRS ConnectionIn the fourth installment of the series, we modify the setup to connect breadboards using a TRRS cable. This allows connecting breadboards at separate locations, increasing independence and streamlining the wiring.
developmentAug 4, 2024, 10:35 AMWebsite Renewal - Background and DesignI have renewed the website. The themes of this renewal are "original design", "multilingual support", and "portability". I consolidated articles and created items in one place, and achieved multilingual support by managing articles in Markdown. In terms of design, I adopted a candy-like color scheme and made efforts to change the impression while maintaining readability.
keyboarddevelopmentMay 7, 2024, 11:16 AMHow to Get Kailh Key Sockets (Online Shopping Comparison)We compare methods for purchasing Kailh KeySwitch Sockets, which allow for replaceable switches in mechanical keyboards. For users living in Japan, we compare prices and shipping costs for MX-compatible sockets to find the most cost-effective purchasing method.
keyboarddevelopmentApr 28, 2024, 2:39 PMRunning I2C on Pro Micro (3) - Determining Pin StatesIn the third article of the series on running I2C on Pro Micro, we explain how to receive the state of I2C devices and determine if a button is pressed at a specific address. We interpret the MCP23017 datasheet, detail the wiring and programming steps to check pin states, and introduce implementation methods using the Arduino standard library and Adafruit's library.
keyboarddevelopmentApr 23, 2024, 2:14 PMRunning I2C on Pro Micro (2) - I2C ConnectionThis article explains how to perform I2C communication with Pro Micro. It covers the basics of I2C, communication speeds and standards, connection methods, the I2C module used (MCP23017), required parts, wiring methods, and how to create an I2C Scanner program.
keyboarddevelopmentApr 12, 2024, 4:45 AMRunning I2C on Pro Micro (1) - Setting up Pro MicroThis article explains the setup procedure for Pro Micro, including wiring on a breadboard, programming using Arduino IDE, and how to verify operation. The components used include a breadboard, Pro Micro + pin headers, reset switch, jumper wires, and a cable to connect Pro Micro to PC. It also covers the types of Pro Micro, pin assignments, and Arduino IDE configuration.
keyboarddevelopmentFeb 29, 2024, 9:25 AMQMK Introduction: Running meishi Trackball Module with Custom FirmwareI'll introduce how to run meishi Trackball Module with custom firmware using QMK. I'll progress through the development of a custom keyboard, covering specific steps including solutions for trackball angle issues, QMK compilation error countermeasures, firmware configuration, and custom key implementation.
developmentFeb 5, 2024, 3:22 PMWindows 11 Setup NotesThere were a few features I wanted to try, and with the announcement that Windows 10 support would end in October 2025, I finally decided to upgrade my Desktop PC to Windows 11. I reviewed various settings during this process, so I'm making notes on potentially useful features, including some older ones.
developmentblockchainbookAug 6, 2022, 8:44 AMDistributing "Learn by Creating NFTxBlockchain: Implementing an Anonymous Membership Site with Solana NFT" at C100I will be distributing a new book titled "Learn by Creating NFTxBlockchain: Implementing an Anonymous Membership Site with Solana NFT" at Comic Market 100. This book covers the creation of an anonymous membership site using NFTs on Solana, a fast blockchain written in Rust. The content ranges from basic blockchain technology knowledge to the technical elements necessary for NFT sales.
developmentblockchainJun 7, 2022, 12:51 PMCreating a Solana Wallet mnemonic (seed key) from the CLII explored methods to create a Solana Wallet mnemonic (seed key) from the CLI. While it's possible to generate multiple keys from a mnemonic, for security reasons in case the mnemonic is leaked, it might be safer to divide them into wallets with different mnemonics. Ultimately, I was able to generate mnemonics by running a script, and even obtain public and private keys, making mass production possible.